ABE 4323
Return to Cardiac Muscle 
This is a short review of the cardiac cycle (covered at the beginning of the course)


In the previous several readings, we looked at smooth muscle structure and function. In this reading, we will begin the process of looking at cardiac muscles.

But first ...

We had to zip through smooth muscles quickly, so I thought it might be useful to list some of the main features of smooth muscles by way of review:

Smooth muscles are:

    • Actin filaments contracted in opposite directions have a slightly overlapped organization which allows maximum contraction.
    • This process is illustrated in the figure at right. 
      • Reflex
        • When bladder is full, stretch receptors initiate a current in the sensory neuron. 
          • This information goes to the reflex arc and is passed to the brain.
          • The current from the afferent neuron initiates a current to the detrusor muscle that starts contraction.
          • The current from the afferent neuron inhibits the current to the internal smooth muscle sphincter, which causes relaxation and voiding.
      • Voluntary control
        • The decision, in the brain, that this is a bad time to void allows voluntary control of the reflex.
          • The current originating in the brain inhibits the reflex current to the detrussor muscle, preventing contraction.
          • The current originating in the brain over rides the inhibition on the internal sphincter, allowing it to remain contracted.

Now ... Let's Go to Cardiac Muscle Cells

Functional and Morphological Differences Between Skeletal, Smooth, and Cardiac Muscle

Cardiac muscle, as its name implies, is only found in the heart. Cardiac muscle cells are also called "myocardia" and a single cell is often referred to as a "myocyte".

The structure of cardiac muscle shares some of the properties of skeletal muscles and some of the properties of smooth muscles, but it also differs from both in several key ways. In this section we will step through some of these similarities and differences.

  • Cardiac muscle is striated and is composed of sarcomeres similar to those of skeletal muscles.
  • Cell size is small compared to skeletal muscle, being very close to that of smooth muscle (average length is about 100-150 um). It's thickness is slightly more than that of smooth muscle cells (25-30 um).

    • The branched myocytes provide force generation along many axes. Once again, we see how morphology provides clues to function. 
      • In skeletal muscle, the object is to provide maximum power along a single axis. 
      • In smooth muscles, force is secondary and lumen closure is paramount. 
    • In myocardia, both power and closure matter. 
      • Cardiac output is proportional to the power applied. 
      • The mechanism by which the power is actually applied to the blood, however, is a form of closure (i.e., tension on the spheroid chamber). 
      • Contraction along just one axis would not work as well.
  • Gap Junctions and Organization of Adjacent Cells:
    • Recall that single unit smooth muscle cells had gap junctions that joined the cytosol of adjacent cells. 
    • This allowed a speedy transmission of current from cell to cell.
    • The adjacent cells were held together by protein spot welds to keep them from moving around. 
    • Smooth muscle cells overlapped along their long axes to form cell aggregates and the gap junctions were located along the sides of the cells. 
    • In myocardia, the cells  are also joined together, but they are butted up against each other at their ends.
      • The junctions between connected myocardia are called intercalated discs.
    • The ends of the cells are held together by protein (desmosome) spot welds (just as in single unit smooth muscles) and the gap junctions are located within the intercalated disks. 
    • Here is a photograph of a histological section of cardiac muscle taken through a light microscope. The blue arrow points to an intercalated disk. 
      • Bar = 30 microns.

Courtesy, University of Kansas Medical Center
  • Here we see a scanning electron microscope image of a single cardiac myocyte (heart muscle cell), which has been mechanically separated from the mass of the myocardium. 
    • The points at which this cell is in contact with others via the intercalated discs are indicated by arrows. 
    • The wispy strands of material on the surface are fine collagen fibrils of the intercellular collagen network that makes up the intercellular network of connective tissue that holds cells together laterally. 
    • The ridges on the surface are the Z-lines of the sarcomeres (back to z-lines as in skeletal muscles).

Courtesy Israel Institute of Technology

More on Gap Junctions in Myocardia. As in single unit smooth muscles, myocardia have gap junctions that allow the cytosol of adjacent cells to be directly connected.

Maintaining the integrity of gap junctions is vital to cardiac function.
  • Notice the irregular surface of the intercalated disks to maximize the surface area of the interface.
  • How does the irregular surface increase strength?
Here we see a photo of an actual ID. Notice the sarcomeres on either side. 

Cardiac Muscle Action Potential
Recall that, in skeletal muscles, the AP was just like a neural AP: only sodium and potassium were involved (just 1-2 ms long).
  • Depolarization only had to last long enough to push the current along and through the skeletal muscle cell.
  • To keep the skeletal muscle contracted, the skeletal muscle cell had to depolarize and repolarize many times.
    • The strength of the contraction was based on the summation of the twitches.
Recall that, in smooth muscle, much or all of the Ca required for muscle contraction had to be imported from the extracellular fluid.
  • The resulting positive Ca current across the cell membrane changed the shape of the AP.
    • Ca channels are "slow" (100 ms for AP).
    • No VG Na channels.
  • Contraction continues for as long as the extracellular Ca keeps the actin and myosin cross bridges active in multi-unit and phasic single unit smooth muscle cells. 
  • Contraction continues indefinitely according to latch theory.
I said most types of myocardia have this sort of AP (remember, there are various types of heart muscle cells!).

Two types of myocytes have distinctively different appearing AP's.
Here we see the different myocyte types.
  • Each has its own signature AP. 
  • Fast VG Na channels do not function in the SA node or in the AV node. 
    • It's not clear whether they are absent or just inactive.
    • Resting potential is hegher than for other myocardia.
    • High resting potential may prevent Na channel depolarization.
    • (the VG Na channels as a group that we have seen previously are collectively referred to as "fast" as compared to the ones we'll see Monday).
  • The absence of the steep VG Na peaks are important to the functioning of both the SA node and AV node cells (we'll see why next class).

In most myocardia AP's, . 
  • The AP takes about the same amount of time as in smooth muscle cells.
  • Notice that the cross membrane K current does not dominate until the Ca channels close. 
    • Refractory period in myocardia extends beyond contraction and and nearly to the end of relaxation of the muscle cells. 
In skeletal muscles, we can have temporal summation because the action potential is so short. 
  • The absolute and relative refractory periods were over well before the muscle cell was completely relaxed. 
  • As a result, we could have temporal summation and that helped us to regulate muscle force.
The MUCH longer action potential in myocardia means that temperal summation either cannot occur or becomes extremely unlikely.
  • We don't want temporal summation in the heart. 
  • Why?

Role of the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum in Cardiac Muscles.

In myocardia,  the role of the SR falls between that found in smooth and skeletal muscle cells. Myocardial T-Tubules.
Here is a drawing that shows the myocardial t-tubule system. The tubules are 5 times wider than those found in skeletal muscles to accommodate the large Ca ions in the extracellular fluid that must reach the cell interior.
Here is an electron micrograph of myocardia showing the t-tubules. T-tubules in myocardia also occur along the Z-disks.
EM use courtesy of King's College Division of Physiology.

The Role of Calcium in Cardiac Muscle Contraction

In myocardia, Ca from the SR and the extracellular fluid are important.

Let's look at the role of Ca in myocardia in detail.
In both skeletal and cardiac muscle, the T-tubules are in close proximity to the SR.
Courtesy Michael Palmer, Biochemistry, Department of Chemistry, Waterloo University
In skeletal muscle, membrane depolarization is sensed by the dihydropyridine receptor, which signals release of Ca from the SR through the ryanodine receptor. 
Courtesy Michael Palmer, Biochemistry, Department of Chemistry, Waterloo University
The DHPr and Ryr in skeletal muscles appear to be directly connected, so that the conformational change of one results in the conformational change of the other when the membrane has depolarized. 
Courtesy Michael Palmer, Biochemistry, Department of Chemistry, Waterloo University

In myocardia, the same types of receptors are operating, but their mode of action is different.
  • In heart muscle cells, influx of calcium through the dihydropyridine receptors is necessary to signal Ca release through the Ryanodine receptor. 
  • In this case, the DHP receptor is a VG Ca channel.

Courtesy Michael Palmer, Biochemistry, Department of Chemistry, Waterloo University
  • The extracellular calcium does more than supplement Ca in the SR and participate in the action potential. 
  • The Ryr, in this case, is a ligand gated Ca channel, and Ca is the ligand.

Courtesy Michael Palmer, Biochemistry, Department of Chemistry, Waterloo University

This entire process is illustrated in the following movie (used by courtesy of Dr. Andrew Marks, Columbia University).
COPYRIGHT © 2003 Columbia University, Marks Laboratory
Created by Raymond Morales